Winter Practice Schedule

Open practice at the Dundurn Sports Centre track shall be held on non-race Sundays. Check the club’s Facebook group page or WhatsApp text group for access times before heading out to the track. Start and end times may depend on which club members are unlocking the door.

  • Members and guests are welcome to practice/play at the track on practice days with any 1/10th or smaller scale vehicles.
  • No 1/8 or larger vehicles are to be run on the track surface; no exceptions.
  • Please practice using good racing etiquette and marshal for others the same amount of time you drive yourself.
  • Practice sessions may be controlled by class if a large number of people show up.

Summer Practice Schedule

We currently have no fixed open practice schedule at the outdoor track.

Members in their second year with the club are provided with keys to the facility ( deposit required ) so they can practice at any time. If a key holder is planning to open the track gates, every effort shall be made to inform all members so everyone may benefit from the extra track time.
Check the club’s Facebook group page or WhatsApp text group for access times before heading out to the track. Start and end times may depend on which club members are out to open the gates.
Practice may be cancelled with little to no notice due to weather or if the club has scheduled a work party. We will not run on a wet/muddy track – it just creates more work to repair the surface later.
  • Members and guests are welcome to practice/play at the track on practice nights/days with any 1/8th, 1/10th, or smaller scale vehicles.
  • No 1/5 scale or larger vehicles are to be run on the track surface; no exceptions.
  • Please practice using good racing etiquette and marshal for others the same amount of time you drive yourself.
  • Practice sessions may be controlled by class if a large number of people show up.